Tender finding services in Reading, Berkshire

12th September 2023
Public Sector Sales

Why would you want to pay for tenders when they are publicly available information?

Why would you take time out of your business, doing what you do best to look for contracts that you may not be suitable for?

Knowing where tenders can be the lifeblood and success of your business development on your sales growth. Public sector tenders usually last for between five and seven years which means that any contract won provides regular income for your business for five to seven years and it also means that the contract will next be available in five to seven years.

Being at the right place at the right time is critical to ensuring that you are available and are aware of such tenders coming out to market. Sometimes tenders are only explored during lows in business activity rather than as a source or proactive source of new business growth. As such most businesses without dedicated resources to search for tenders or perform new business activities often have sporadic tender engagement and experience a low success rate in winning tenders.

Why would you then risk missing an opportunity to have regular income for such a long time by not having a specialist to look for these contracts for you?

Anyone can subscribe to open-source tenders through a number of different procurement portals such as Proactis, Delta, Intend, Chest and many others. As part of your enrolment to that portal, you will receive daily emails on all tenders that have been registered on that portal. These tenders will be all tenders and not just those suitable to you or your industry. With the daily emails for framework portals, you will just receive an e-mail of opportunities that meet the requirements of that framework.

With so many portals and/or frameworks that your business could be registered on it is very easy to see how daily emails from each platform can very quickly become unsustainable or at minimum in nuisance to your e-mail inbox or to your administration’s team. It therefore becomes something that is then ignored or left until the end of the day or week before somebody reviews that e-mail and may still not click through to explore all suitable opportunities available.

Here at Tender Response, we take all of that noise away from you. We help you find the tenders that are the best fit for your business. We help you qualify those tenders so that you are only ever looking at tenders that are suitable for you and your industry. We help you write the response to those tenders.

We also know but when you are busy working in your business we can be working on your business. This means that we call you outside of your business hours or when you are travelling to your appointments, we do all we can to ensure that we provide the most value to your business without impacting your business-as-usual activities.

In many cases there are frameworks available for industry and certain contracts. This means that not all suitable contracts may be available online and searchable in open tenders through contractsfinder.gov.uk as an example. Such frameworks are required to be applied for and some may only come round every three to seven years for new applicants. As part of the Tender Finder service offered by Tender Response, we also explore and find suitable frameworks that may also be valuable for your business to apply to.

Any tender that becomes available on a framework is essentially a closed procurement as they are not visible or available to every supplier in the marketplace. Once you are on a framework then you will have full access to all of the tenders available on that portal which your business may choose to respond to.

Once Tender Finder has located a suitable tender or framework an initial qualification will be completed to ensure that it matches your criteria, search as your location, contract value size or duration. Only suitable tenders will be shared across as part of the Tender Finder subscription.

Want to learn more about Tender Finder from Tender Response?

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What our clients say about us

Vicky helped me to qualify a grant that I was exploring for my business. I found her approach to be simple straightforward and I'm actually arranging for Vicky to be a speaker at an event I'm organising at the UK Africa trade Expo in March of 2024 to educate people to educate my peers and and organisations that will be present. I can't sing her praise highly enough she's an absolutely absolutely wonderful wealth of experience.

Tonye, Co-Founder Director of Geotech Solutions

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