3 things to know about Public Sector Tendering that feel like cheats

28th October 2024
Bid Writing & Tender Management, Insights

Public sector tendering involves the government and other public institutions (such as the NHS, schools, and universities) inviting businesses to bid for contracts to supply goods and services. Often, the Third Sector (charities, not for profits, etc) also use these platforms as a cost effective way to purchase complex solutions.

This process is known as an open tender.

Benefits of Public Sector Contracts

Securing a public sector contract can:

  • Stabilise cash flow and increase revenue.
  • Guarantee reliable contracts with strict guidelines on transparency and equality.
  • Enhance business prestige within the industry.
  • Ensure timely payments, as public sector organisations are legally required to pay within 30 days of an invoice.

Finding Tender Opportunities

  1. Finding Opportunities: Public sector contracts are advertised online. Key platforms include Contracts Finder, Find a Tender Service, Public Contracts Scotland, Sell 2 Wales, and eSourcing NI. There are a number of Frameworks and Dynamic Purchasing Systems available that you may also wish to consider. If you are unsure of where your target opportunities are, book a call with a Tender Response consultant.
  2. Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ): This initial stage assesses a company’s suitability based on financial standing, technical ability, and other criteria.
  3. Invitation to Tender (ITT): Businesses submit detailed proposals on how they will meet the contract requirements.
  4. Evaluation and Feedback: Responses are evaluated, and feedback is provided to all applicants. There may be a standstill period for legal challenges before the contract is signed.

Tips for Successful Bidding

  • Pricing Strategy: Focus on value for money rather than merely the lowest price. If you don’t know where the market rates are, or would like to snoop on some currently awarded contracts… check out the capability of our Tender Analytics tool. The information that we’ve been able to pull out has been described as “witchcraft” but it’s really just good market intelligence.
  • Client Focus: Tailor responses to meet the client’s specific needs and criteria. Review the ITT documentation carefully, use the clients words and lingo. Tailor your responses to that they match the needs of the client.
  • SWOT Analysis: Include a SWOT analysis to demonstrate thorough planning and risk management. Check out the Tender Response resources section for a free download and see how we support clients to qualify a bid.
  • Team Introduction: Highlight key team members and their relevant expertise. You may be asked for CV’s of key members of the team. This is not an employment CV, it is a professional CV.
  • External Review: Consider having an experienced external reviewer check your tender document. Having a second pair of eyes is really important, especially if they have bid writing experience. Some of our more experienced clients take advantage of our Tender Read service, which proof reads their response and provides feedback on where they can improve.
  • Utilise Feedback: Use feedback from unsuccessful bids to improve future submissions.

Finding Public Sector Contract and Tender Opportunities

Register your business on platforms such as Contracts Finder and Find a Tender Service to receive notifications about new opportunities. Joining public sector framework providers like Crown Commercial Services can also be beneficial.

If you are mindful of getting lots of daily emails that may or may not be relevant for you, consider our Tender Finder service. At a fraction of the price of a premium portal membership, we’ll search across all of the UK portal sites and any framework that your company is on, and provide a simple email with the information that’s meets your needs.

So what next?

Public sector contracts range from high-value to smaller contracts, making them accessible to businesses of various sizes. By understanding the tendering process and tailoring your bids to meet client needs, you can increase your chances of securing these valuable contracts.

These contracts can from up to 7 years – which is incredible!! – if you want to learn more about how Public Sector Contracts, book a call with one of our consultants today.

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What our clients say about us

As a kind of small, medium business, tenders are very time consuming, can be quite arduous, potentially complex, and she cut through it all, making it very clear, concise, articulate, and helped us with our final submission in terms of writing the final draft, which basically allowed us to focus on selling our business, our services and USPs and the commercials into the template that was required and necessary for the project in hand. And happily to say, sort of 10 days later, our first using of Vicky's services, we won that tender.

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